Tuesday 2 May 2017

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Do Wonders For The Aesthetic Appearance Of Your Teeth

If you are looking to improve your smile the cosmetic dentistry offers perfect solutions to enhance the shape, color, size and alignment of your teeth for that confident smile to radiate on your face. Yes, with advanced technology it is now very easy to enhance the aesthetic appearance of your smile with simple and painless procedures done by the cosmetic dentists who are experts in this job. There are different treatment options in cosmetic dentistry and based on the condition of your teeth the best option is chosen to correct the look and shape of your teeth. Most of the people have worn out or chipped teeth, gaps, irregular shape or stains that often impact their smile. But this can easily be addressed using the teeth veneers that involve adding a layer to the front surface of the teeth covering the damages and improve the look of the teeth. This is simple procedures that don’t need invasive surgical procedures and the patients can easily see the difference in the appearance of their teeth undergoing this teeth veneers treatment option.

composite veneers

The veneers are made in the dental laboratory using an array of substances based on which the price varies. You can commonly find composite and porcelain veneers being extensively used to restore the aesthetic appearance of teeth. Generally, composite and porcelain veneers are used to enhance the appearance of the teeth and the former is a cost effective compared to porcelain veneers and can be used to cover smaller cosmetic issues like cracked or chipped teeth, slight staining etc. The composite veneers last for 5 to 7 years but need regular maintenance to maintain the quality of these veneers. On the other hand the porcelain veneers though a big expensive compared to other alternatives long last and offer a natural look to your teeth. This porcelain veneers are much more durable offering longevity up to 10to 15 years and are also very much resistant to chipping or staining of the teeth in the long run. The porcelain can also address severe issues like worn enamel, genetic defects, wear and tear, uneven teeth that may not be viable with composite veneers.

Whatever might be your choice of the teeth veneers, the cosmetic dentist shall offer the best treatment procedures to ensure you have a wonderful smile with perfectly aligned teeth. You can lookout for the best dental facility and check out the dental packages to choose one that best suits to your interests.